Office Shoes
Style Hero Training Materials
Having worked with Office Shoes before, we knew they would be responsive to our cheeky, tongue-in-cheek approach! Working along side leading VM retail agency Two Visual, we were asked to create a campaign for Office Shoes’ new internal, staff training initiative – encouraging their dedicated band of retail footwear experts to become Style Heroes!
Our simple branding was reminiscent of a tattoo, and encouraged staff to become more than just ‘shop helpers’ and wear the Style Hero brand with pride. The training and brand were used to empower the Office team to bring their own individual style to selling shoes – adding their own flair and personality to help customers make a choice, and encouraging them to give feedback, style advice and ultimately achieve more sales!
The brand was carried throughout a whole range of information sheets and training materials, and the all-important message was delivered in both printed and digital formats for ultimate flexibility and ease-of use.
It proved a great success, inspiring the teams and helping them to create new opportunities and loyal customers.